

November #JHSJC Transcript

Thank you to everyone who participated in the November #JHSJC discussion! We send a special thank you to our Guest Hosts, Charles A. Goldfarb, MD (@Congenitalhand) and Christopher J. Dy, MD, MPH, FACS (@ChrisDyMD)! We looked at two articles from Volume 45, Issue 11 of The Journal of Hand Surgery: Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture Surgery: Changing Incidence in Finnish and…

June #JHSJC Transcript

We'll be posting all #JHSJC transcripts from here on out (including past conversations!), so be sure to check back in case you miss a discussion! The June #JHSJC was a lively discussion on two articles from Volume 44, Issue 6 of The Journal of Hand Surgery: An In-Depth Review of Physician Reimbursement for Digit and Thumb Replantation by Rachel C.…